SPF 114: Sin is Not Your King – Dead to Sin & Alive with Christ

Addiction, purpose, freedom, legalism. You won’t find these words directly in Roman’s 6 but out of God’s teaching about being dead to sin and alive with Christ we find some major answers to questions about those topics. Today I’ll address why Sin is not Your King, how we can practically be free from sin, and how God’s grace helps us take action to be tools and weapons for God’s glory.


Addiction, purpose, freedom, legalism. You won’t find these words directly in Roman’s 6 but out of God’s teaching about being dead to sin and alive with Christ we find some major answers to questions about those topics.

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Dead to Sin & Alive to God

God has given us His grace through Jesus Christ to not only save us from the consequences of sin but so we are able to take action. Before Christ we were prisoners to sin, or as Romans teaches – slaves to sin. Sin was our Master. But God’s grace frees us to be slaves to righteousness – and to the perfect King Jesus. God’s grace stirs us to action and part of that action is living to God and not to sin.

No. 1 Sin is Not Your King

Romans 6:12 says, “Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body to make you obey it’s passions.”

How are we able to follow such a command?

Because of the indicatives listed above in Romans 6:1-11. Because of who God has made us to be through Christ, we are able to follow this command of not letting sin reign.

Romans 6:1-5

  • We are dead to sin – so don’t live in it any longer

  • and We were buried with Jesus in death IN ORDER THAT as Christ was raised we too might be raise to LIVE A NEW LIFE

Romans 6:6-11

  • What does Scripture indicate about us: our old self was crucified so that the body RULED by sin might be done away with; so we are not slaves to sin because anyone who has died has been set free

  • we are free from sin. So we can live for ourselves? Live for our dreams? Live for comfort? No, we were save from sin TO live our lives to God. Scripture says Jesus lived to God and in the same We now live to God.

So all those indicatives are the power behind vs 12. Because of the Gospel, because sin used to be our master but now we live to God – this imperative is possible

“Let not sin therefore reign in your total body to make you obey it’s passions.

 Romans 6:12

As Christians we are not to let sin reign in our mortal bodies.

No. 2 How can we practically be from from sin?

Romans 6:13-14

  • The practical truth of overcoming sin is that first – God’s grace frees us and second that we are not to offer our members to sin. That means we do not present ourselves to sin to be used as an instrument of wickedness.

  • God gives us a self of control of our bodies. I there is something that is a gateway to sin for you, don’t go there, physically, emotionally, mentally.

  • Repentance from sin is a turning away from sin TO the Lord because He bought us back from death, because we are now alive!

How can we present our members to God?

Romans 6:17-19

  • we know His standard – His law – that is where abundant life is found, joy and peace and purpose.

  • We pray – we ask God for help in our temptation – it’s in the Lord’s prayer – “and lead us not into temptation.”

  • We repent and turn back to God when we do give into sin.

No. 3 God’s grace propels us to action to be tools and weapons.

We are tools and weapons for unrighteousness or tools and weapons for righteousness.

We fight sin.

We build up others.

We build our convictions from the Word

We build up our homes to be places of worship to God

You have purpose and direction. It’s to fight and to build. It’s through the power of the Gospel equipping you to leave opportunities that lead to death and pursue what leads to life.

It’s a journey, it’s a process – but we need to know the power of the Gospel and how to practically walk in that freedom. Don’t get down on yourself if you’re addicted, if you feel hopeless. Go to the Gospel Truths to know who you are and who is at work in you.


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