Part of being a keeper of the home is to practice hospitality. Hospitality is often done right around a table. Today we are going to be talking about our work of practicing hospitality around the table. This is part 3 in a 3 part series.
Part of being a keeper of the home is to practice hospitality. Hospitality is often done right around a table. Today we are going to be talking about our work of practicing hospitality around the table. This is part 3 in a 3 part series. Show Notes: Patreon:
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Women & Work: Hospitality, The Table, Sabbath Feasting
Practicing Hospitality:
Hospitality is a generous reception of people in your home.
This is a work and it’s a biblical work that is for both men and women
Hospitality starts with the heart, not with the dishes or food or event.
The Heart of Hospitality:
1 Peter 4:9 “Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.”
Hospitality involves affection toward your guests
Hospitality involves a generous heart
Hospitality involves a personal growing opportunity
Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42
Welcoming people in our home and feeding them is good and honors the Lord. It also is a time to practice trusting God and not becoming troubled and anxious about the things that are not as important.
feasting and celebrating
The Table holds an important place in our homes. It is where we nourish bodies and souls with food and conversation. It is where we pray and maybe where you sing and read the Word together. It is a place where we constantly remember God’s grace and mercies as we fill our bellies and rejoice in His provision.
Since the Table is important, we as women can think thoughtfully and intentionally about it. Not only about what we serve, but what we say, and what we do around the table.
Ecclesiastes 9:7 says, “Go, eat your bread with joy, And drink your wine with a merry heart; For God has already accepted your works.”
Matthew Henry commentary on Ecclesiastes 9:7:
We must enjoy ourselves, enjoy our friends, enjoy our God, and be careful to keep a good conscience, that nothing may disturb us in these enjoyments. We must serve God with gladness, in the use of what he gives us, and be liberal in communicating it to others, and not suffer ourselves to be oppressed with inordinate care and grief about the world. We must eat our bread as Israelites, not in our mourning (Deut. 26:14), as Christians, with gladness and liberality of heart, Acts 2:46
FeminaGirls Blog:
“God wants us to be joyful and merry, and that is part of what incarnational living is about. We want fat souls around our tables.”
“Incarnational living means our Christian faith comes out in what we do and how we live. One of the central things we do each day is sit down around the table and eat together. We are to eat our bread with lots of laughter. We are to drink our wine with merriment and happiness. Our homes should be overflowing with the joy of knowing Christ, and the table is a perfect place for this to be happening on a daily basis, and especially on the Lord’s Day. The Lord’s Day is our weekly feast of celebration. Sabbath feasting is a victory celebration each week. We win! Jesus rose!”
Tips for Sabbath Feasting from Nancy Wilson:
More about Sabbath Feasting:
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