Wives should love their husbands, but what about when we get our feelings hurt? How do we love our husband then? Today I am going talk about three things that hinder our love toward our husbands and how to prove faithful with loving our spouse.
Wives should love their husbands, but what about when we get our feelings hurt? How do we love our husband then? Today I am going talk about three things that hinder our love toward our husbands and how to prove faithful with loving our spouse.
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Love Your Husbands
Wives are commanded to love their husbands: John 13:34-35, 1 Corinthians 13, Matthew 22:39, Titus 2:5
Agape (noun), Agapeo (verb) – Greek word for love; a choice and action, sacrificial, thinking of others above ourselves, a love extended to our enemies, love extended to our neighbor; Christ’s love for us; God’s love
Check out more from Janell on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrsjgarwood/
Three Things that Hinder our Love for our Husbands
No. 1 Thinking unbiblical and wrong thoughts
If godly love is primarily a choice and not feeling, we need to think about it objectively, not subjectively. It’s why we need scripture, because scripture continually renews our minds and transforms it. And as our minds are transformed our behavior it follows. Love is not a passive thing, and we will not become better at loving if we are not self controlled in our thinking.
No. 2 Selfishness
We live in a hedonistic narcissistic culture which teaches self-love and promotes to obey thy self over all things. Contrast that with 1 Corinthians 13 that love does not seek it’s own way.
Selfishness hinders us from loving our husbands, because we are only focused on loving ourselves. We are setting our hearts on the wrong thing when we are only thinking of ourselves, and our needs, or the wrong done against us.
No. 3 Bitterness
Bitterness usually stems from taking into account wrong suffered from our husbands. We need to be careful that no root of bitterness springs up in us, Hebrews tells us that bitter roots spring up cause trouble and defile many.
Proving Faithful in Loving our Husbands
Walk in humility
Walk in forgiveness and a desire for restoration
Renew your mind with the Word
Think biblical thoughts
Go to church and be in community
Biblical Counseling Help
Truth in Love Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/truth-in-love/id1003845008
Association of Certified Biblical Counselors: https://biblicalcounseling.com/
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