SPF 037: Delighting in God and the Desires of our Hearts: Idols and Saviors

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. That’s what Psalm 37:4 instructs us. What are our REAL heart desires? To be understood? To live pain free? To be in control? How can we tell if they are good or not so good? Today we are discussing how our desires can get muddled and can turn into idols – and how that affects our daily living including living out the greatest command to love God with all our heart mind soul and strength. Plus get four tips on cultivating a heart for God’s Glory.

Today’s Resources:

Free Bible Reading Plan each month: sign up free at sheprovesfaithful.com/bible

Whole Magazine Recommended Resources: List of Blogs, Podcasts, Apps

Martha Peace – The Excellent Wife – see Amazon Link at bottom of page

Desires, Idols, False Saviors

Martha Peace said, “An idol can be anything. It may even be a good thing. But if we want it so badly that we sin if we don’t get it or sin to attain it, then we are worshiping an idol rather than Christ.”

This is a game changing sentence. A life changing sentence.

This is saying that there are times when we want something so bad, even good things, like affection and understanding from our husbands, and when we don’t get it = we either sin because we don’t get it (like yell or become cold and unloving) or we sin to get it (manipulate, shame, etc). 

The greatest command in Scripture is to love the lord you God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and the second is like it love your neighbor as yourself.

Our number one desire should be to love God with all we have. That means that even when our feelings are hurt, our needs go unmet, or we aren’t being cherished or appreciate as wives, we still are called to love God. 

That means live for His glory and say no to sin.

A Desire to Glorify God

Instead of setting our heart’s desires on a certain feeling, or action from our husbands, we need to ask God to give us a desire like the psalmist in Psalm 119. 

Over and over he writes about desiring God and His commands –

Here are a few:

  • how blessed are those who seek Him with all their hearts vs 2
  • with all my heart I have sought thee vs 10
  • I shall delight in your statues vs 16
  • My should is crushed with longing after your ordinances at all times vs 20
  • Your testimonies are also my delight, they are my counselors.24
  • Make me walk in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it. vs 35
  • Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to dishonest gain vs 36
  • Behold I long for your precepts, revive me through your righteousness. 

A hearts desire like in Psam 119 is a gift of grace from God to the believer. God will change our desires as we delight in Him.

What is really important to you? Getting your way? Being understood? Is it worth sinning to get it? or do you believe God will care for you and honor you and bless you if you seek Him instead.

What you have your heart set on will make all the difference in the world in your fulfillment and your joy. Ask God to give you new desires, then proceed to seek after God with the same passion and energy you are currently expending on idolatrous desires.

Four Ways to Set Our Hearts on God’s Glory

  1. Delight in the works of God
  2. Build contentment through thanksgiving
  3. Pray and ask God to give us new motives
  4. Invest more time in Scripture

The Excellent Wife – Martha Peace

The topic from today’s show was inspired by chapter 7: Christ – The Wife’s Heart. I highly recommend this book, though it is challenging to the heart. *This is an affiliate link.

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