SPF 265 Potent Culture Maker

SPF 265: Three Things To Make You a Potent Christian Culture Maker

Sometimes it’s a clear the temple day and sometimes is a clear the table day. Building culture requires reformation. Reformation is the constant course correction to Scripture. Today I am sharing three things we can learn about reformation from Christ so we can be potent culture makers.

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Show Notes
Building culture requires reformation.

Reformation is the constant course correction to Scripture. 

We need reformation because it’s easy to get off course with our sinful nature. Sinners are going to sin. Its easy to get off course with good intentions. We need to be constantly reforming which means always going back to what God’s Word says so we know what God desires in culture building and Kingdom living. 

“Sometimes reformation is quiet and steady and sometimes it’s loud and disruptive.” 

Some days it’s a clear the temple day and some days its a clear the table day.

Both ways appeal to Scripture as the standard, and both ways allow us to see the goodness, purity, and potency of God’s mission and purpose. 

Matthew 21:12-17 

Three things we can learn about reformation from Christ so we can be potent culture makers:

  1. Reformation requires vigilance.
  2. Reformation appeals to Scripture.
  3. Reformation clarifies the real mission of God.

“You know what’s weird? Day by day nothing seems to change, but pretty soon everything is different.” – Calvin and Hobbs

The key to building christian culture – to uprooting ungodliness in our hearts, in our children’s hearts, in our culture and replacing it with the beauty and freedom found in godliness – is to do it day by day.

It may not seem like anything significant or meaningful is happening . . . but pretty soon everything is different.


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