SPF 152: What is History & Why A Biblical Worldview Matters

What is history? Why is it important and How does the Bible help us rightly interpret the world and culture as it is happening today?


What is history? Why is it important and How does the Bible help us rightly interpret the world and culture as it is happening today?    Show Notes: sheprovesfaithful.com/podcast/episode152   Support the Podcast $5 a month: patreon.com/sheprovesfaithful

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When you look at history really it is a collection of stories of people who honored God or dishonored God. It is a story of people who submitted to The good authority of our creator, and those who denied it and rebelled against it. We see this with the rise and fall of kingdoms, and even the rise and fall of people.

History is a gift to us for many reasons:

  • History gives us perspective, and allows us to see an outcome of a way of life.

  • History is a gift because it’s a reminder of everyone’s destiny.

  • History allows us to see the hand of God at work.

  • History spurs us on to stay the course

  • Knowing History reminds us that we are not void of responsibility

Without the Bible is a lens in which to view everything through, we cannot accurately understand problems or solutions. The more we know our Bibles, the better we can understand what is going on in the world and what to do about it.

God gave us the Word to read and the World to read.

We need to read the Word first in order to read the World correctly.

If we read the World first, we will read the Word incorrectly.

Scripture gives us a biblical worldview which serves as a lens through which to interpret what is right and wrong in history.

“The study of history is the study of how nations have answered the following questions of allegiance: who is ultimately in charge and whose law should be obeyed?” – America, In God’s Providence textbook

Rachel Jankovic Instagram Quote: “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.”


History resources from a Biblical Worldview!

(Amazon links are affiliate links)

King’s Meadow Study Center – Discover Biblical truth behind cultural distinctives.


Generations Curriculum: https://sites.generations.org/curriculum/#subjects

America, In God’s Providence textbook

CanonPress History: https://canonpress.com/collections/history-curriculum/


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